(会理县中医院,四川 凉山,615100)
中图分类号:R271.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7860(2015)36-0095-02 证型:AGB
【摘 要】目的:研究加味安奠二天汤辅助治疗先兆流产的临床疗效。方法:将2013年6月—2015年6月本院收治的100例先兆流产患者纳入研究对象。按照随机对照的原则将所有患者分成观察组及对照组,每组均50例。对照组患者仅给予黄体酮治疗,观察组患者在对照组的基础上联合加味安奠二天汤加减进行治疗,疗程为4周。治疗结束后,比较两组患者治疗前后的临床疗效,并注意记录不良反应的发生情况。结果:治疗结束后,两组患者的临床症状均较治疗前明显好转;观察组患者的临床疗效和治疗期间的不良反应的发生情况明显优于对照组。结论:采用加味安奠二天汤辅助治疗先兆流产,具有较好的临床疗效,且药物安全性好,可以在临床上推广应用。
【Abstract】Objective:To observe the clinical effect of Flavored Andian Ertian Decoction in theadjuvant treatment of threatened abortion. Methods: 100 Cases of threatenedabortion patients, admitted to hospital from June 2013 to June 2015, wereincluded as subjects and divided randomly into the observation group and thecontrol group in accordance with the randomized controlled principle, with 50cases in each group. Patients in the control group only received progesteronetreatment, the observation group patients received progesterone combined withFlavored Andian Ertian Decoction, treatment lasted for four weeks. Aftertreatment, the clinical efficacy of the two groups were compared and occurrenceof adverse reactions was recorded. Results: After treatment, clinical symptomsof the two groups were significantly relieved than before treatment; theclinical efficacy and the occurrence of adverse reactions of the observationgroup were significantly better than that of the control group. Conclusion:Flavored Andian Ertian Decoction had significant efficacy in the adjuvanttreatment of threatened abortion, it boasted a drug safety and could be appliedin clinical practice widely.
【Keywords】FlavoredAndian Ertian Decoction; Threatened abortion; Clinical observation