(济源市第三人民医院,河南 济源,459000)
中图分类号:R758.23 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7860(2016)18-0102-02 证型:ID
【摘 要】目的:分析和研究中医治疗湿疹的方法及应用效果。方法:选取2014年7月—2015年10月湿疹患者120例,按症状表现不同,给予中药内服+外用辨证治疗。结果:风热型、湿热型、脾虚型、血燥型患者治疗总有效率分别为 97.1%、93.1%、92.6%、89.7%。结论:将中医辩证施治方法应用于湿疹患者治疗中,其不但疗效确切,而且价格低廉,更利于减轻患者经济与精神负担,值得临床推广与应用。
【Abstract】Objective: To analyze and study the methodand application effect of TCM in treating eczema. Methods: 120 patients with eczema,treated from July 2014 to October 2015, received treatment of dialectical oraladministration combined with external application of Chinese herbal medicine accordingto the different symptoms.Results: Thetotal effective rate of treatment in patients with wind heat type, damp heattype, spleen deficiency, blood dryness type was 97.1%, 93.1%, 92.6% and 89.7%respectively. Conclusion: The application of TCM dialectical treatment method hadsignificant effect in treating patients with eczema, meanwhile, its price waslow, which was more conducive to alleviate the economic and mental burden ofpatients. Therefore, it was worthy of clinical popularization and application.
【Keywords】Chinese medicine; Eczema; Method; Effect
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