王 科
中图分类号:R249.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7860(2016)18-0001-02 证型:IDG
【摘 要】鲍身涛教授从事皮肤病性病专业研究诊治工作30年,笔者有幸跟师学习,现将鲍老师治疗过敏性皮肤病湿热内蕴证经验总结简述,认为治疗应以身体本质入手,调和五脏以肺肝脾为主。鲍老师的辨证与多手段结合治疗的经验,临床效果显著。
【Abstract】Professor Bao Shentao hasworked on professional research and treatment of skin disease for 30 years andaccumulated profound experience in treating allergic skin disease of damp heataccumulation, of which the writer has the honor to learn from and summarize.Professor Bao Shentao holds that the treatment of skin disease should startwith the essence of the body and focus on the lungs, liver and spleen inreconciling the five internal organs. Professor Bao Shentao’s experience ofcombining syndrome differentiation and multiple treatment means has significantclinical effect.
【Keywords】Allergic skin disease; Dampheat accumulation; Bao Shentao; Experience