中图分类号:R284 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7860(2016)15-0145-02
【摘 要】目的:旨在总结目前传统医学上新兴的中药鉴别依据及方法,防止中药品种混淆使用和防止假药的出现,确保中医临床辨证施治安全用药,从而预防医疗纠纷和医疗事故发生。方法:本研究系统地总结了目前临床上关于中药常用的色谱法、光谱法、热分析法、中药指纹图谱检定技术、中药生物效应鉴定法、分子生物学技术、化学模式识别法7类鉴别方法,并探讨其鉴别依据,分析其应用范围。结果:本研究发现,临床常用的色谱法等7类中药鉴别方法均各具特色,鉴别依据不尽相同,且均有相应的应用范围。结论:临床上有关中药的鉴别方法多种多样且各有特点,要求我们充分掌握各类中药鉴别方法,在实际运用时应灵活选用。
【Abstract】Objective:Itaims to summarize the current emerging discrimination based on traditionalChinese medicine and medical means of preventing the misuse of traditionalChinese medicines and counterfeit confusion to guarantee the safe applicationof medicine based on clinical syndrome differentiation, thereby preventing theoccurrence of medical disputes and medical malpractice. Methods:This study summarizes the currentsystem of traditional Chinese medicine, namely 7 identification methods, whichinclude commonly used chromatography, spectroscopy, thermal analysis, fingerprintverification technology of traditional Chinese Medicine, biological effects oftraditional Chinese medicine, molecular biology and chemical patternrecognition method, etc. The basis for identifying is also explored and the scopeof application is analyzed. Results:Thestudy finds that 7 identification methods which are commonly used in clinicalmedicine identification are unique, they have different discrimination basis ofdifferent, and therefore have corresponding range of applications. Conclusion:The identification method of Chinese medicine is of clinical variety and theirown characteristics, which require us to take full advantage of all kinds oftraditional Chinese medicine identification method and apply then in practicalapplication flexibly.
【Keywords】Chinese medicine; Identification method; Identificationbasis; Application range