(洛阳市第一中医院,河南 洛阳,471000)
中图分类号:R681.531 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7860(2016)15-0118-02 证型:BGA
【摘 要】目的:观察分析电针配合推拿手法治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床疗效。方法:将神经型颈椎病分为根痛型、麻木型、失用型三个亚型,采用电针颈部夹脊穴配合手法推拿为主,根据不同亚型配取不同穴位,治疗神经型颈椎病98例,并观察其临床疗效。结果:治愈65例(根痛型30例、麻木型34例、失用型1例),显效25例(根痛型10例、麻木型13例、失用型2例),好转6例(根痛型1例、麻木型3例、失用型2例),无效2例(麻木型1例、失用型1例),总有效率为98.0%。结论:①电针配合手法推拿治疗神经型根颈椎病疗效显著;②根痛型(41.8%)、麻木型(52.0%)发病率高且疗效好,失用型(6.1%)发病率很低且疗效差。
【Abstract】Objectives: To observe and analyze clinicalefficacy of acupuncture and Tuina therapy in the treatment of 98 cases withnerve root type cervical spondylosis. Methods: The disease is divided into thenerve root type cervical pain type, numbness type, apraxia type three subtypes,neck Jiaji electro acupuncture and Tuina massage in accordance with differentsubtypes take different points, the treatment of neurological type 98 cases withcervical spondylosis and clinical efficacy. Results: 65 cases were curedcompletely (root pain 30 cases, numbness in 34 cases, apraxia type 1 cases), 25cases showed markedly improvement (root pain in 10 cases, numbness in 13 cases,apraxia type 2 cases), 6 cases showed a little improvement (1 case root pain,numbness in 3 cases, apraxia type 2 cases), while in 2 cases there was noeffect (1 case of numbness, apraxia 1 case); the total effective rate was 98.0%.Conclusion: 1. Acupuncture and Tuina therapy has a significant effect inneuronal root cervical spondylosis treatment; 2. The efficacy was high and veryeffective in root pain type and numbness type with efficacy 41.8% and 52.0%,respectively, while apraxia type showed low morbidity and poor efficacy (6.1%).
【Keywords】Cervicalspondylotic radiculopathy; Massage; Electropuncture
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