闫冬 白玉
(郑州市骨科医院,河南 郑州,450052)
中图分类号:R274.32 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7860(2016)15-0117-02 证型:IDGB
【摘 要】目的:观察针刺运动疗法治疗外踝关节扭伤的临床疗效。方法:运用针刺疗法同时结合运动疗法治疗42例外踝关节扭伤患者,1次/ d,10次为1个疗程,同时结合患者症状运用运动疗法,对结果进行疗效评价。结果:治愈29例,占69.0%,好转13例,占31.0%,全部有效,总有效率100.0%。结论:针刺结合运动疗法治疗外踝关节扭伤临床疗效佳。
【Abstract】Objective:To observe the clinical therapeuticeffect of acupuncture combined with exercise therapy in the treatment of anklesprain. Methods:42 patients with anklesprain were treated with acupuncture combined with exercise therapy, once everyday and ten days formed one course, the therapeutic effect was evaluated at theend of the course. Results: 29 cases were cured, which accounted for 69.0%, 13cases were improved, whichaccounted for 31.0%, all the cases were effective; the total effective rate was100.0%. Conclusion:Acupuncture combined with exercisetherapy had significant effect in the treatment of ankle sprain.
【Keywords】Anklesprain; Acupuncture; Exercise therapy