杨英豪 张丽 尹丽 宋晓燕 秦元梅△
(河南中医药大学护理学院,河南 郑州,450000)
中图分类号:R248 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7860(2016)18-0145-02
【摘 要】中医护理学作为中医学的一部分,具有悠久的历史。整体观和辨证施护作为中医护理的基本理论基础,与现代医学理念相比,具有科学性和先进性,中医护理技术也具有自身的特色和优势。但中医护理在国际化发展过程中面临着信息宣传不到位,复合型中医护理人才缺乏,中医护理技术临床疗效和适应证缺乏标准化研究等问题。因此,建立中医护理国际化宣传平台,培养复合型专业人才,在循证医学的基础上,进行操作标准化和疗效评价精确化的研究,是促进中医护理在国际上推广和发展的必由之路。
【Abstract】TraditionalChinese Nursing (TCN), as one part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has along history. The holistic nursing and nursing based on syndrome and differentiationare the foundations for the basic theory of TCN, which is scientific andadvanced when compared with the concept of modern medicine; TCN technology alsohas its own characteristics and advantages. However, in the process ofinternationalization of TCN, some problems are confronted, such as the lack ofcompound TCN talents, the shortage of the standardized research on the clinicalcurative effect and indications of TCN due to inefficient informationpublicity. Therefore, the establishment of TCN’S international publicityplatform, cultivation of professional talents and carrying out the researcheson the operational standardization and the accurate curative effect evaluationbased on the evidence-based medicine are the necessary ways to promote theTCN’s international development in the world.
【Keywords】Advantagesof Traditional Chinese Nursing; International Development; Challenges
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