李韵霞 刘元献 李许娜 佟彤
(深圳市中医院,广东 深圳,518033)
中图分类号:R766.14 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7860(2016)18-0098-02 证型:ID
【摘 要】目的:观察柴胡疏肝散结合天竺雾化剂超声雾化治疗慢性咽喉炎咽部异物感症的临床疗效。方法:将180例患者随机分为三组,每组60例,A组采用柴胡疏肝散口服结合中药天竺雾化剂超声雾化,B组用天竺雾化剂超声雾化治疗,C组采用庆大霉素及地塞米松超声雾化治疗,观察比较三组患者治疗后效果。结果:治疗后疗效比较显示,A组疗效优于B组,B组疗效优于C组。结论:中药柴胡疏肝散结合天竺雾化剂超声雾化治疗慢性咽喉炎咽部异物感症效果好,能有效缓解咽部异物感不适症状。
【Abstract】Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of ChaiHuShugan Powder combined with Tianzhu aerosol in treating chronic pharyngitispharynx foreign body sensation. Method: 180 patients with chronic pharyngitiswere randomLy divided into three groups, with 60 cases in each group. 60 casesin group A were treated with oral administration of ChaiHu Shugan Powder andultrasonic nebulization of Tianzhu aerosol, 60 cases in group B were treatedultrasonic nebulization of Tianzhu aerosol and 60 cases in group C were treatedwith gentamicin and dexamethasone ultrasonic atomization therapy. Thetherapeutic effects of three groups were observed and analyzed. Results:The therapeutic effects aftertreatment indicated that the efficacy of group A was better than that of groupB, which was better than that of group C. Conclusion:The therapy of ChaiHu Shugan Powder combined with ultrasonicnebulization of Tianzhu aerosol had significant effect in treating chronicpharyngitis pharynx foreign body sensation, it could effectively relive thesymptoms and signs of pharynx foreign body sensation.
【Keywords】TraditionalChinese Medicine;ChaiHu Shugan Powder;Tianzhu aerosol; Pharynx foreign body sensation
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